If rain is in the forecast or it has rained in the last 48 hours, call within 45 minutes of your class start time. If class is cancelled, there will be a cancellation message, otherwise class is happening. Classes missed due to rain are made up by SoccerKiddos by adding a week on to the end date of the season.
The rain-out number is (510) 501-5546.
If you miss class for a personal reason, you can make it up by attending another class that is not listed as full on the schedule page. You must complete make-ups in the same season they were missed. Refunds will not be given for missed classes.
A 100% refund, less a $10 per registrant processing fee, will be given if notification of cancellation is received 48hrs before the second class meeting. Notice of cancellation 48hrs before the 3rd class meeting will receive a pro-rated refund for first two classes and less a $25 admin/processing charge. Refunds will not be given for cancellation later than 48 hours before the 3rd week of class.